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Tornem a la Terra


«Return to Earth»

We present a digital ethnographic library to preserve traditional recipes and techniques, a documentary series of artisanal products from the countryside, a valuable knowledge that we want to transmit to future generations.

Learning from the past will allow us to recover essential knowledge of self-sufficiency. It’s up to us to not lose this important legacy to take care of our health and the planet earth.

The ethnoclip is a short, dynamic and attractive audiovisual format, with a visual language that combines documentary and ethnography.

The products presented here are made by women on rural farms on the island of Ibiza.

Educational Guide

Educational Guide

We truly believe in the importance of educating future generations, that is why our commitment is to share all our experience and offer you the possibility of using our educational material so that you can carry out workshops in your school, in your family or in your community.

This educational guide is a resource for teachers to use with children between 10 and 16 years old. It’s organized in units of different topics: preserves, handcrafts, medicinal plants. bakery and basic products.

With this guide we want to present the richness of the rural world in the classrooms to protect traditions because it benefits our health and the environment.

If you use the guides please tag us in your posts @creativesfortheplanet

The planet belongs to all the people who inhabit it:

Start where you are, do what you can, use what you have!